Harold Martin

271 Main Street 
Hopkinton, NH 03229
Phone:  603-746-3473

Mrs. Nancy Alibrandi
Library Media Specialist, M.S.L.S., NH Certified Media Supervisor
Email:  nalibrandi@hopkintonschools.org  

Mrs. Michele Bohlman
Library Assistant
Email:  mbohlman@hopkintonschools.org
The library is open for students during regular school hours:  7:55am-2:35pm.
The Harold Martin School library is flexibly scheduled.  Students are welcome to use a pass from their classroom to come to the library at anytime during the school day as long as they have permission from their teacher.  Some teachers assign their students a specific “Library Day” to ensure that their students come to the library at least once during the week. Classes or small groups also come in for stories, book talks, information literacy skill lessons, and to do research.
Preschool students may sign out one book.  Kindergarten students start out the year borrowing one book, and may begin to get out two books later on in the year (usually around Thanksgiving).  First through third grade students may sign out up to three books at a time.  Students are encouraged to sign out at least one book that they can read on their own.
Books are signed out for one week and may be renewed as long as no one else has requested them.   We encourage students to find a safe place for their books at home (out of the reach of pets and young siblings).  If your child has misplaced a book, please have them come to the library to talk to us.  We will keep an eye out for it, and can often suggest some places where they may not have thought to look.  Believe me, we’ve had some books turn up in some very odd places! The replacement cost of the book may be charged if a book is lost, or damaged beyond repair.